Together, we create a safer Sweden for everyone.

  • 112

    Always call 112 if you are in an emergency situation.

  • 113 13

    Call 113 13 for information about accidents and crises.

  • 114 14

    Call 114 14 for non-emergency police matters.

  • 1177

    Call 1177 for medical advice.

  • 112 and other important numbers

    Here you find information about the emergency number 112, other important community numbers, and how we can assist you if something happens.

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  • Our important mission

    On behalf of the Swedish government, we are responsible for the emergency number 112 and play a central role in the country's crisis preparedness.

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  • SOS Alarm's 112 app

    With the 112 app, you receive information about incidents occurring in your area. Download the app to stay updated on current events.

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