English 112 - emergency number
112 – emergency number in the event of danger to life, property and environment
The emergency number 112 is used in emergencies when there is a danger to life, property or the environment. An emergency situation is when you require urgent assistance from paramedics, emergency services, police, air/sea/mountain rescue services, priests on duty or information about poisoning. All of our SOS operators speak English and are able to conduct the conversation in English. If an interpreter is necessary, a third person will be connected to the call.
You can call the emergency number 112 around the clock, from a landline or mobile phone, wherever you are in Sweden. Your call will be answered by an SOS operator who will ask questions in order to provide the necessary assistance.
Examples of questions that may be asked:
- What has happened?
- Where did it happen?
- What number are you calling from?
The SOS operator asks the questions to be able to alert the correct emergency services to the right location. While help is on the way, the SOS operator may need to ask further questions in order to prepare and convey more information to the incoming emergency services.
Remember that you should only call 112 when you are in an emergency situation that requires immediate assistance. Otherwise your call may delay necessary assistance to others who are in urgent need of help. If your call is not urgent, you can instead call the police on 114 14, Vårdguiden (the Healthcare Guide) on 1177, or the information number 113 13 in case of major accidents or crises.
112 for speech and hearing-impaired
If you are deaf or have a speech or hearing impairment, you can contact 112 via text phone or the SMS112 service. Those who are temporarily speech-impaired, for example following an operation, can also temporarily use the SMS112 service. The SMS112 service is only open to those who are deaf or have a speech or hearing impairment, and you then need to be registered via SOS Alarm’s website.
Read more about the SMS112 service and how to register here: www.sosalarm.se/sprak/english/sms112-english/
113 13 – information number in case of accidents and crises
113 13 is a national information number. You can call the information number 113 13 to provide or obtain information regarding serious accidents and crises. 113 13 is a service for municipalities and other actors to communicate information to the public in the event of serious accidents and crises in the community. All information provided via 113 13 is verified information, i.e. it has been confirmed by the municipality etc. where the incident took place. From abroad, call +46 (0)77 33 113 13.
114 14 – Police number in case of non-emergency incidents
Call 114 14 for all matters that do not involve crimes or incidents that are in progress or have just occurred. It is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Those who answer on 114 14 speak Swedish or English.
1177 – healthcare advice over the phone
Call 1177 if you or a relative become unwell and require consultation with a nurse, or if you would like help finding the right type of care. You can find information on, for example, diseases, medicines and treatments by visiting www.1177.se.
1177 Vårdguiden is the gathering place for the whole of Sweden with regard to information and services within healthcare. Vårdguiden is available online and over the phone, and is open around the clock.
Important Public Announcements
Important Public Announcements (“Viktigt meddelande till allmänheten” or “VMA”) is a warning system to alert the public in the event of situations such as gas emissions, a major fire or other serious accident. The warning and information system can also be used for emergency alerts and air-raid warnings if the country were to be at war.
The public can be alerted to Important Public Announcements in several ways
- The warning signal Important Public Announcements (VMA) sounds a seven-second siren that alternates with 14 seconds of silence lasting for at least two minutes.
- Warnings via radio and TV.
- Warnings via a voice message to landlines within the affected area.
- Warnings via a text message to mobile phones that are address-registered in the affected area.
- Warnings via a text message to mobile phones located in the area.
How to act in the event of Important Public Announcements
Upon hearing the signal or receiving the alert by telephone, you should:
- Read and follow the instructions carefully.
- Go indoors.
- Close doors, windows and ventilation.
- Listen to Sweden’s Radio P4 for more information.
When an Important Public Announcements situation is ongoing, it is displayed on SVT’s Teletext page 100. It also refers to Teletext page 599 for more information, where the same message that is broadcasted on the radio is published in writing.
To receive information in the event of an Important Public Announcements signal, do not call the emergency number 112, instead call the information number 113 13, or follow the situation by visiting www.krisinfo.se/en.
The all-clear signal
When the danger has passed, this is signalled with a 30-40 second-long signal.
Are you in the process of learning Swedish?
At www.sosalarm.se/utbildningsmaterial/ you will find material where you can learn more about the emergency number 112. Here you can learn about how the emergency number 112 works, when to call the information number 113 13, and what kind of help you can receive via Vårdguiden on 1177 and the police non-emergency number 114 14.
This webpage is a collaboration with Your Europe. Find more information on youreurope.eu.
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